ALPHA-EVI is a division of ALPHA AIS that provides integral solutions adapted to the needs of our customers. It handles all the management, from the initial project to the maintenance, through the installation of the loading point and the management of it.
We have implemented a Quality Management System according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard, demonstrating the ability to consistently provide services that meet the requirements of our customers.
ALPHA-EVI works jointly with ABB, a company of recognized prestige and a world leader in the electric vehicle charging sector.
A collaboration agreement has been signed between the two companies that will provide the best recharge equipment in the market and guarantee its best maintenance.
The use of electric cars has many advantages, among which we can highlight environmental benefits such as zero emissions, less pollution, etc. advantages at the individual and user level, such as savings in gasoline and repairs of oil, liquids and filters, less taxes and specific insurance. avoid restrictive measures due to pollution (circulation allowed 365 days a year), free parking in the SER area and public parking facilities, use of the Bus / HOV barrel without limitations and, of course, a more comfortable, no-speed and noisy driving.
Shows all this, the electric car is experiencing an exponential evolution in its sales. It is estimated that by 2025, sales have tripled the current value.